The Love Of A Father

The Love Of A Father


It was a day he would never forget.

A day he would treasure as all fathers do.

It was the day his son was brought into this world.

 The happiness he felt and the joy of those all around him was beyond words.

 The thoughts for his son’s future, the plans he had for him, all this coming to his mind as he witnessed the birth of this precious little baby boy.


As the years passed, the father watched with pride as the baby grew into a toddler, then a little boy, next a teen and a young adult.

Throughout all those years, his son was always honoring, always respecting, always loving and abiding in anything his father asked of him.

He was the son that often bragged and told others about his one-of-a-kind father- that offered endless amounts of love and protection.


The once baby boy, soon became a man and was a great and wise teacher, sharing with others the very important aspects of their lives through lessons and parables all could understand.

The father was there as always, watching from afar.


The father loved his son with all the love imaginable, as any father would.


At the same time, the father looked back and thought about those future plans he had for his son so long ago, and he was heart-wrenched as he knew the time was near for those plans to be fulfilled.

You see, from the time that father first laid eyes on his one and only infant son, he knew that this day would come.

This would not be the pain of “letting go” that most parents experience as their children grow up and become adults, this would be a temporary and indescribable act of pain and separation.


This father knew from day one that his son would be ridiculed by some and mocked by others.

He would be physically beaten until he was unable to walk or stand.

He would be flogged with weapons made of leather whips and metal shards that would tear out parts of his flesh leaving him as not much more than a bloody pulp.

Barely alive, he would continue to be tortured and mutilated so badly he would be unrecognizable.

What a scene for a father to have to witness and know from the beginning that this would be his son’s fate.

As a parent our instinct is to rush in and stop our children from hurting or suffering.

We want them to be safe, comforted, happy.  We want to keep them protected.


The father that I speak of did just that for each of us, by turning his head to this horrific act. He knew that his son had to be brought into this world to endure this unimaginable pain as he would serve to be the only vessel that would offer all the love and protection that is known as Eternal Salvation.


This son’s name is Jesus, and his father, God.

Jesus, fulfilling the purpose for his earthly life, took upon the punishments for all our sins and wrong doings, so that we may be forgiven and experience that Eternal Salvation that is offered to each one of us.


This isn’t just a story, this is the loving action of the Heavenly Father and His sacrifice for all of us that choose to be called a child of God.

But it is just that- A choice.

It’s not something that happens automatically when you go to church, or even if you choose to serve as a Sunday school teacher, or give to a charity, or do all the “good and earthly” things possible.

This is about opening up your heart and having a true relationship with your Savior, Jesus Christ.

The gift of forgiveness is free, all that’s needed is for us to receive it.


As I think about each of the stupid things I do and say every day, all of my sins and mistakes that I’ve ever made, whether I consider them big or small, they were all taken care of that day so long ago, on Calvary’s hill, upon that very “Old Rugged Cross” that my Gramma used to sing of.

Wow. I know I’m not worthy of such an incrediable gift, but that very same Heavenly Father that sent his son says that I am, and that you are too.

“All my sins, big and small,

My Lord Jesus, took them all.”

As we celebrate Easter, the happy ending of this story which is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, why not accept His gift of Salvation? Why not take Him up on His offer today?

His Offer

On that day He knew YOU, thousands of years before you were born.

YOUR image was in His mind, as He was beaten, bruised and scorned.

While a piercing crown of thorns was forced upon His head,

YOUR life, again He envisioned, as He unselfishly bled.

The chains and belts that whipped Him, YOUR sins they did entail,

Enduring this gruesome act, He saved YOU from a deserving hell.

The tree that was chosen for Him, to become His death cross,

YOUR name was etched inside the wood, so all YOUR sins would be a loss.

His body beaten and broken, while lying on that tree He knew,

The blood He spilled was worth it, He shed it just for YOU.

With each nail driven through Him, YOUR name He shouted above,

The pain and suffering He withstood, was His amazing gift of love.

An eternal reward He paid for, at such a costly price-

He was sent to die for YOU, through this ultimate sacrifice.

Salvation is what He offers-to be accepted or denied,

Eternity is forever

Which will YOU decide?

                           ~April, 2014

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock..” ~Revelation 3:20

4 thoughts on “The Love Of A Father

  1. My new favorite author. Valerie, you are so gifted. My prayer is that many will be drawn to Him by your words.

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